Reflection Psychology Blog 

A therapy blog to support you on your healing journey from everything trauma related. Accessible information when you need it the most.

Read the latest on everything from trauma, relationships, co-occurring disorders, to coping skills.

Trauma Katia Arroyo-Carrion Trauma Katia Arroyo-Carrion

Unresolved Trauma is Hurting Your Well-Being. 18 Signs You Still Need Healing

Unresolved trauma refers to traumatic experiences that you have not yet let go of. When scary or distressing things happen to us, we just want to forget they happened. We try to push down the memory and avoid situations or people that remind us of the trauma. Unresolved traumas could be unresolved childhood trauma or events that happen in adulthood such as heartbreak, divorce, accidents, etc.

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Coping Skills Katia Arroyo-Carrion Coping Skills Katia Arroyo-Carrion

Break Free from Emotional Triggers: Learn 8 Effective Coping Methods

For people who have experienced trauma, triggers are a reminder of the traumatic events experienced throughout life. Although triggers are often harmless, they are perceived as dangerous due to their association with the original trauma and thus can cause emotional disturbances or physical discomfort. Learning to identify and manage your triggers can feel difficult at first, but it’s an important part of the recovery process.

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Emotions Katia Arroyo-Carrion Emotions Katia Arroyo-Carrion

Healing from Trauma Means Dealing with Emotions. Identifying Secondary Emotions When You Have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Emotions are an essential part of who we are, so essential that we are born with them. As we grow older, emotions can become complicated, confusing, and dysregulated. It is important for individuals to learn to identify emotions and be able to talk about them. Using emotions as messengers can be healthy for our emotional well-being.

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