Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy

Treat your fears and alleviate your anxieties with VRET

Virtual Therapy Services | Reflection Psychology | Trauma Therapy

When you feel like a constant storm of worry and fear is raging inside of you, it can be hard to find a moment of calm. Whether you’re worrying about your kids, your loved ones, your own safety, or you just have a track of persistent worry running through your mind, the weight of these concerns can be exhausting.

You may have intense fears about your capabilities and avoid social situations because you’re afraid of being judged or harmed. You may have specific fears and phobias and avoid certain situations or places because of them.

Maybe a traumatic event happened and you have found yourself experiencing constant anxiety or symptoms of PTSD. When you’re feeling anxious, your heartbeat might race, you might get hot flashes, start sweating or shaking, or feel your mouth go completely dry.

Your anxiety, worry, and fear may be so high right now, they interfere with your daily life.

The good news is, there are evidence-based (meaning well-researched and tested) therapies that can produce life-changing results. I offer virtual reality exposure therapy, also known asVRET, which is an evidence-based treatment for disorders that have an anxiety component. One advantage is that since there’s no real threat to their safety, many people find it easier to start exposure therapy when it’s done virtually.

If you’re suffering from an anxiety disorder, specific phobias, or PTSD, you may be interested in trying virtual reality therapy.

Virtual reality exposure therapy allows you to explore your fears in a safe, controlled environment with a
licensed professional.

How does VRET Sessions work?

We will use VR to…

expose you to the feared object or scenario gradually, so over time, your anxiety or fear response decreases. I will help you manage your anxiety and weaken the associations you’ve developed between objects/scenarios/activities and negative outcomes. Instead, you’ll develop a new threshold and create different associations with the initial fear.

You are capable of confronting
your fears.

You don’t have to avoid your fear or discomfort any longer.

Couples Therapy Services | Reflection Psychology | Trauma Therapy

Virtual Reality Therapy For Mental Health

Severe phobias can be difficult to recreate and treat in real-world situations. (Who wants to stick their head in a box full of real spiders? Or take their therapist on a transatlantic flight?)

That’s where VR exposure therapy can help. Since it may not be practical to pay for a flight if you’re afraid of flying, VR therapy offers a virtual environment where you can confront your fear(s) with the support of a licensed therapist.

VR exposure therapy allows us to expose you to the thing or scenario that causes you extreme distress in a gradual, controlled manner through the use of a VR headset or smartphone.

During VR therapy for the treatment of PTSD, I can expose you to stimuli that reminds you of the event, or you can talk about your experience during a simulation.

VR exposure therapy can be a highly effective
form of treatment for:

● Panic attacks

● Social Anxiety

● Specific Phobias

● Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

● Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

● Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

● Other anxiety disorders

Whether you have a fear of snakes, heights, blood, medical procedures, or small spaces, VR can safely immerse you in situations where you will face your fears. Over time, your stress response in the presence of these stimuli will lower.

In one study, 64% of patients afraid of flying reported reduced distress levels in just 2 VR therapy sessions, and 75% reported reduced distress levels in 5 sessions or more.

In another study, 43% of patients afraid of driving reported reduced distress levels in just 2 VR therapy sessions, while 85% reported reduced distress levels in 5 sessions or more.

Why Virtual Reality Therapy?

Virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) uses virtual reality technology to expose you to your PTSD triggers or phobias in a safe, controlled environment. As you develop tolerance over time, the intensity of your stress response will lower. You’ll find that as you practice techniques learned in session, you will feel less distressed when confronted with the anxiety or fear-inducing scenarios.

You don’t even need a VR headset in order to participate in virtual reality therapy — all you need is a smartphone and an internet connection. Your mobile device or tablet will easily pair with the therapy platform where I will guide you through different scenarios. The VR exposure therapy software makes it easy for us to connect and work on your coping skills.

VR therapy is just as effective as if we were together — but scenarios that trigger a stress or fear response are often impossible or difficult to replicate in person. VR therapy allows us to do just that in a safe and controlled manner.

Couples Therapy Services | Reflection Psychology | Trauma Therapy

Here are some reasons you might choose to try virtual reality therapy:

● You can face your fears with a licensed professional in a controlled environment where your safety is prioritized.

● We can connect no matter where you are located in any of the states I serve.

● Treatment is personalized to meet your unique needs.

● You can practice the techniques you learn in between sessions.

● You have more control over your experience.

● We have more control over the exposure process in general, so we can gradually increase exposure (also known as gradation) at your pace to meet your needs.

● It assists with accomplishing progress faster

● You don’t even have to leave your couch to receive treatment!

Plus, if you have mobility issues or are otherwise not able to attend
in-person therapy sessions, virtual reality therapy is a great resource and tool.

Virtual Reality for Stress Reduction and Relaxation

Our virtual reality sessions can also include guided meditations, mindfulness exercises, and opportunities where you can immerse yourself in calming natural scenes. You will learn to manage your stress levels and develop coping skills in our sessions through the use of VR technology. Then the mindfulness skills you learn in session can be applied in the real world.

Try Virtual Reality Therapy

It is possible for you to find relief and stop avoiding people, places or things because of your fear. If for some reason, you are unable to use the headset, VR can be made accessible on your phone.